Right on the heels of their much-mocked zombie ad sponsoring their Opus Dei buddy, NOM brings us their latest:Either these volk don't know the popular connotations of "M4M," or they're hoping to delude some uninformed LGBT and LGBT-supporting people into backing their bigoted cause. Either way this is just priceless.In just a few minutes, NOM President Maggie Gallagher and I will hold a press conference in Trenton, NJ, announcing an ambitious new nationwide “2 Million for Marriage” (2M4M) initiative.C’mon. You’ve got to be kidding.
Surely her PR people are having a laugh at her expense. Can anyone really be in PR and not have at least done a quick google to see if your new acronym is going to engender giggles?
Although…. if I saw, “Hi, we’re 2M4M and we are against marriage”, it might make some weird sense.
Wednesday: Architecture Billings Index
9 hours ago
[AHEM] Uh, yeah, graggg, that's kinda the point...